an advertisement for a car rental company with a woman holding a suitcase and two suvs in front of her

One Tank Trip Summer Adventure

Time with family at the beach, on the trail or in the low-country, J.C. Lewis invites you to join our One Tank Trip Summer Adventure! We are inviting our customers to share their planned or spontaneous summer adventures with us. 

Where should we go on our next one tank trip? Submit your Ford, Mazda or Lincoln trip ideas to J.C. Lewis via social media and we will check out your destination for our next one tank trip. 

The inventory at J.C. Lewis extends beyond Ford to Lincoln and Mazda. The expanded selection offers fuel efficient vehicles for one tank trips beyond the southeast or sport utility vehicles large enough to load kayaks and bikes and blaze your own trail just down the road.

This summer J.C. Lewis will visit your destinations for our vacation or summer adventure and share our trip how to's with you as well as share any of your submitted ideas and photos. 

We are all in this together and we know by sharing in each others experiences and adventures we can all have a summer to remember.

Where can you go on one tank? Stay local to experience Savannah and the incredible free accessible parks and places for adventure or leave town and tell us where you are headed.

We cannot wait to get see your ideas - make sure to tag #jclewisonetanktrip on social media.

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